Previous events
Past events
Monthly dance movement therapeutic workshops:
Open workshops for anyone interested in dance movement therapy and creative moment practice. You can attend only one or more workshops.
28.1 at 11:30-13
Resilience and resources
4.3 at 14-15:30
Personal space and boundaries
1.4 at 11:30-13
Journey and arrival
6.5 at 14-15:30
Play and creativity
Kumpulan kylätila, Intiankatu 31, 00560, Helsinki
Sign up:
meri@tunnekehomieli.fi / 041 318 7989
Resilience and resources
We will explore resources and well-being through dance and movement. We will ask questions such as: How do I know when I am feeling well/unwell? How does well-being feel in my body? What kind of resources do I have?
Personal space and boundaries
Personal space and boundaries are present in movement, everyday life and relationships with other people. We will explore our experience of space and boundaries. How can I feel and regulate my boundaries? How can I move with others while staying in my personal space?
Journey and arrival
What is the next step on the path of Life? During this workshop, we explore the journey we've taken so far as well as the journey still ahead of us. We will explore and embody the next steps that take us towards what we wish for us.
Play and creativity
When did you last play? Who did you play with? What games did you play as a child? What is an enjoyable creative activity for you? During this workshop, we move playfully alone, with a partner and with the group. Children play, why not adults too?